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"But of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind"
About Sound Mind Ministries
Empowering Transformation.
Dr. Kevin Chapman specializes in guiding Christians in overcoming anxiety, depression, panic, worry, OCD, social anxiety, and other anxiety-based conditions so they can thrive in their God-given calling. Learning how to conquer a spirit of fear is the heart and soul of our ministry.
“Our mission is to help you learn to master your emotions, fulfill your calling, and experience the abundant life God has planned for you.“
Bridging the Gap Between Faith and Behavioral Science
With over 50 publications in scientific journals and books, numerous TV appearances, and a thriving clinical practice, Dr. Chapman has earned a reputation as a leader in the field of mental health. However, his passion extends far beyond the clinical setting. As an ordained minister, he brings a unique spiritual depth to his work, guiding individuals to find healing and hope through their faith.
Not content with simply treating symptoms or offering temporary relief, he’s committed to helping people understand the root of emotional struggle, implement Biblical strategies, and build a resilient soul that allows the spirit to guide you through any emotional storm.
His approach is both compassionate and challenging, teaching individuals to become more aware of emotional difficulties, while learning how to take authority of a spirit of fear and step into the fullness that God has planned for them.
About Sound Mind Ministries
From Academia to Ministry to a Life of Global Impact
Sound Mind Ministries was created based upon Dr. Chapman’s growing understanding of the relationship between Biblical truths and his training as a Clinical Psychologist. Through study of the Word of God, Dr. Chapman has learned to assist fellow Believers in activating their God given authority while implementing practical strategies to eliminate fear and anxiety from their lives.
During his journey, Dr. Chapman earned a doctorate in Clinical Psychology before going on to found the Kentucky Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (KYCARDS).
However, it was his personal experiences with Jesus Christ, his study of the Word of God, and his calling to ministry that truly ignited his passion for helping others find freedom from fear and anxiety.
Based upon these experiences, Dr. Chapman discovered the missing link… Integrating Biblical principles with practical, psychological insights leads to lasting emotional change.
The Word of God provides a framework for understanding
and overcoming emotional challenges.
Dr. Chapman has served on the Pastoral Team at Covenant Life Church and is a teacher on Healing Journeys Today where he ministers to individuals and families seeking emotional and spiritual healing. Dr. Chapman ministers throughout the year at Healing Journeys Today Conferences around the US and internationally.

Dr. Chapman’s Credentials Include:
- Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Diplomate, Certified by the Academy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (A-CBT).
- Internationally recognized expert in the implementation of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety and related disorders.
- Faculty member for the Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI) for the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) and serves on its Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board.
- Mental Health Expert for TrueSport, a subsidiary for the United States Antidoping Agency (USADA).
- Serves on several Editorial Boards, including the Journal of Anxiety Disorders and Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.
- Media Psychologist and regular contributor to multiple media outlets, including A&E and other production companies.
- Program Expert for the TLC hit series, My Strange Addiction, Still Addicted?
- Season Psychologist for Seasons 1 and 2 on A&E’s hit documentary 60 Days In.
Final Words
Dr. Chapman’s greatest joy comes from witnessing the transformation in the lives of fellow Believers. As they break free from the chains of anxiety, depression, and other emotional struggles, they step into a new season of freedom, purpose, and joy.
“Nothing is more fulfilling than seeing someone reclaim their life, embrace their God-given purpose, and experience the abundant life they were created for,” says Dr. Chapman.