Sound Mind Ministries

Sound Mind Groups

Sound Mind Groups Launching Soon!

Every SMG will include group discussion, Q&A, prayer, and practical homework assignments each week. In addition, each group will be structured, collaborative, discipleship driven and will take place over 8-12 weeks (equivalent to a semester). Though you can join more than one SMG at once, it is encouraged to complete one group at a time.

For additional information about our SMGs, please contact us through our contact form.

Why Join a Sound Mind Group?

Find Community

Connect with others who understand your struggles. Share your experiences, receive encouragement, and build meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals.

Gain Practical Tools

Learn evidence-based strategies for managing anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges, all integrated with Biblical wisdom for holistic healing.

Experience Spiritual Growth

Deepen your faith and understanding of God's plan for your emotional well-being. Discover how to apply Biblical principles to your daily life for lasting transformation.

Get Expert Guidance

Enhance your understanding of your emotions by working with Dr. Chapman who will help you activate your authority in Christ.

The Mastering Our Emotions SMG

Foundational Scriptures: Genesis 3, Psalms 16:11, Romans 12:2, James 1:22-25, 1 Corinthians 9:26-27, Ephesians 6:10-11

You will need to purchase the Mastering our Emotions book for this SMG. In this SMG, participants will be guided through Dr. Chapman’s new book, “Mastering our Emotions: Biblical Principles for Emotional Health.” Participants will be guided through a step-by-step exploration of Biblical strategies to navigate negative emotions, to gain emotional mastery, and to confront situations that trigger intense emotionality. In this SMG, participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize the role that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3) played in contributing to negative emotional patterns
  • Recognize the triad of emotion and identify triggers to negative emotions
  • Recognize the role of avoidance in maintaining negative emotional patterns
  • Apply the six “Being Skills” to master any emotional experience
  • Apply the skills from Dr. Chapman’s book to disciple other Believers
  • Master your emotions!

The Overcoming Worry SMG

Foundational Scriptures: Matthew 6; Luke 12

In this SMG, we will explore Matthew 6 and Luke 12 where Jesus underscores a very important emotional behavior that many Believers struggle with: worry. In this overcoming worry group, you will learn:

  • What the Bible says about the relationship between anxiety and worry
  • What Jesus says specifically about worry
  • Evidenced-based, Biblical strategies to overcome worry
  • Effective ways to support a loved one struggling with worry 

The Overcoming Negative Thoughts SMG

Foundational Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Romans 12:1-2, Proverbs 23:7, Ephesians 4:23-24

In this SMG, we will explore how negative thinking patterns develop and how to eliminate these thoughts, using the Word of God. Since negative thoughts have a significant influence on your emotional experiences, your witness to others, and your overall spiritual well-being, group members will learn how to:

  • Practically identify negative thinking patterns and their root causes
  • Understand the triad of emotion and the impact that thoughts have on emotional experiences
  • Use evidenced-based, Biblical strategies to eliminate negative thinking patterns and take every thought captive
  • Become experts at using “Kingdom Questions” to challenge negative “automatic” thoughts

The Overcoming Family Anxiety SMG

Foundational Scriptures: Proverbs 6:24, Ephesians 6:4, 1 Corinthians 11:1, Romans 10:17

In this SMG, we will explore the sources of family anxiety and how anxiety is transmitted from parent to child. Though this group will focus on adults, group members will learn how anxiety was communicated by caregivers which has contributed to your current levels of anxiety. This group will also be helpful for those who want to help family members who have struggled with anxiety. In this overcoming anxiety group, you will learn:

  • What the Word of God says about communication within the family dynamic
  • The two pathways through which anxiety is transmitted in the family
  • Evidence-based, Biblical strategies to eliminate anxiety in the home
  • Effective strategies to model 2 Timothy 1:7 to your loved ones to prevent the family transmission of anxiety

The Overcoming Social Anxiety SMG

Foundational Scriptures: 2 Timothy 1:7, Proverbs 29:25, Colossians 3:23, Psalms 118:6, 1 John 4:18, Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalms 139:14

In this SMG, we will explore the fear of man, which is commonly manifested through social anxiety, also known as the fear of negative evaluation. Group members who have struggled with the fear of man, social anxiety, being assertive, public speaking, being overly concerned about the opinion of others, and avoidance of situations where negative evaluation may occur are ideal for this group. Group members will learn how to:

  • Understand the root causes of the fear of man
  • What the Word of God says about the fear of man
  • Use evidence-based, Biblical strategies to eliminate the fear of man
  • Confront situations that trigger the fear of man

The Overcoming A Spirit of Fear SMG

Foundational Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7

In this SMG, we will explore a spirit of fear by studying 2 Timothy 1:7 and other scriptures related to a spirit of fear. A spirit of fear will be both defined and debunked. Participants of this SMG will learn:

  • How to clearly define a spirit of fear
  • How to become aware of the various manifestations of a spirit of fear
  • Evidenced-based, Biblical strategies to eliminate a spirit of fear
  • Effective ways to disciple loved ones who struggle with a spirit of fear